Install git binaries on Godady Linux share host

Godady Linux has no gcc, so need compatible binary, following tutorial

Tried Rackspace Redhat 5.3 and CentOS 5.3 which are x64, therefore their binaries are not usable on godaddy's 32 server. Then compiled git from source on another 32 server (also Cent OS 5.3) and copied the binaries to Godady. It works!


To check Redhat version
cat /etc/redhat_release
Cent OS 5.3

To check glibc difference

My machine:
e@e-laptop:~$ ldd --version
ldd (EGLIBC) 2.10.1

Godaddy share host server:
-bash-3.2$ ldd --version
ldd (GNU libc) 2.5

There are somewhat two different 'libc' (EGLIBC vs. GNU libc)


Unknown said...

Hi! I don't have a linux machine available. Could you send me your binaries so I can copy them to my linux GoDaddy hosting?

Unknown said...

Hi Yi Wang's.
Following your advices and the ones on the Stack Overflow thread, I was able to compile/install Git on a virtual machine (VirtualBox) running CentOS 5.3 Live CD (directly from the .iso file) in text-mode.
It took me a while, because Git (current latest version) failed badly to compile/install on both CentOS 5.2 and 5.3.

I've yet to test it thoroughly on GoDaddy to check that it works properly (I've just run 'git --version' and 'git init' and both worked fine).

@Jean-Michel: binaries and libs are a bit large to be sent. I may try to upload them somewhere, someday.
But really, it's easy to generate them, even if you don't currently have a Linux machine.
The recipe:

1) download and install VirtualBox (

2) create a virtual machine

3) download Centos 5.3 Live CD .iso file from

4) "put" the Centos 5.3 .iso file inside the "virtual CD drive" of your virtual machine

5) boot the virtual machine

6) select to boot in text-mode

7) when it asks for login, login as "centos", or even as "root" (but better as "centos")

8) on the prompt, run (without quotes):
"sudo yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ make expat-devel gettext-devel curl-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel bzip2"

9) run

10) run
"tar -xzf git-"

11) run
"cd git-"
"make install"

12) once you got the folders, copy them using scp, like this
"scp lib yourgodaddylogin@atyourdomain.tld"
"scp libexec yourgodaddylogin@atyourdomain.tld:"
"scp bin yourgodaddylogin@atyourdomain.tld:"
This will copy all the files generated by git installation into the root folder of your GoDaddy account

13) Finally, access via SSH to your GoDaddy account and on the root folder, create a ".bash_profile" ("vim .bash_profile") file and put inside it:

export PATH=$PATH:~/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/lib
export GIT_EXEC_PATH=~/libexec/git-core

If you don't know how to use vim editor, create the file on your computer and copy it using scp or even upload it via FTP.

Have fun!

TheNorthEestern said...

Thanks Yi!

TheNorthEestern said...
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TheNorthEestern said...

Thanks Yi!